A little preparation goes A LONG WAY!

Your performance during important events can be a source of tremendous worry and stress. But I’ve learned that a little preparation goes a long way toward achieving your best performance AND the best possible outcome from your event!

I’ve designed a special, half-day, intensive program to help professionals just like you hone quick resilience strategies to help you deliver your best performance at your important event.


WELCOME TO Personal Resilience Boost™!

{1/2 Day Intensive}


This program is especially for you if:

a) You have a very important event coming up (investment pitch, interview, deposition, mediation, court appearance, other)

b) Achieving the best possible outcome requires your absolute best performance

c) You’re feeling stressed, worried, unprepared or otherwise unsettled about your performance at the event


This intensive session is aimed exclusively at preparing you for your upcoming event. We will review resilience and learn select strategies and tools in the context of your upcoming event.

Specifically, we will:

  • Review your situation and upcoming event
  • Discuss resilience and how it can help you achieve the best possible outcome from your event
  • Learn select strategies and tools to prepare for the event
  • Practice using the techniques in the context of your event
  • Practice more to start readily applying the techniques on your own

The Personal Resilience Boost™ program will help you learn specific strategies and tools so that you are fully prepared and capable of utilizing the techniques to give your best performance and achieve your best possible outcome at your upcoming event.

I can’t wait to share more with you and show you a path toward achieving the best possible outcome for your situation!

What some of my clients are saying…

I feel lighter, energized and at peace. The change was astounding since I went in stressed and exhausted. I am continuing to learn and practice and see amazing results in my ability to rebound from a negative experience as well as center myself so I am not needing to course correct as often.

Highly recommend this for everyone!

SM, Ann Arbor MI